The Giftster App

Gift with confidence

The free family wish list app. Join over 2 million members and get gifts right, every time. 

New for Fall 2023 Giftster iOS app

Thoughtful giving on any device

There’s a reason (or two!) why Giftster is the most popular wish list app. Everyone in the family can use Giftster using their favorite device.

Your daughter on an iPad. Grandma on her laptop. Instantly check wish lists wherever you are with the mobile app for iPhone, Android and other mobile devices.

Giftster on any device

Connect your family, circle of friends or team at work with a Giftster group

Share and shop each other’s lists for birthdays and other important holidays. As a group creator, you get to choose who’s in or out. 

For even more fun, add a Secret Santa gift exchange. Giftster automatically draws names for you and let’s everyone know who their pick is.

Try Giftster today (it’s free)

Virtual Gift Registry Group App
Best Wish List App Giftster
Enjoyed by over two million members

The most popular wish list app

“LOVE THIS APP! So easy to use! I love the link "fetch" feature on there. Makes adding items quick!”
–Jilly B.
“Use this app all year for birthday ideas, Christmas gifts, or even for other special occasions. Assures I get the person what they want, as well as multiple people not all getting the same thing.”
“We no longer have to pester people for their wish lists & it’s great to add to my own through the year.”

Try Giftster for your family today

As Giftster continues to grow, more and more families are making Giftster a part of their lives. You can too. Open your free membership online or download the Giftster app below.

Giftster is a registered trademark in the United States, European Union, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and MyGiftster, “Gift with confidence”, “Give and get gifts that matter most”, “The Lifetime Gift Registry” and “Get Gifts Right. Every Time.” are trademarks of MyGiftster Corporation.