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Guess what's inside a gift

How To Disguise a Gift as Something Else

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There’s usually that one person in every family who has a knack for sniffing out where the Christmas gifts are hidden or is crafty enough to slip the tape off of a package and take a peak. Most often, this is usually a precocious little one that thinks they’re pulling one over on the grown-ups.

In my family, it’s my Mom. Yes, my Mom! She’s gotten so good at it over the years that she doesn’t even need to touch the present. She can look at just about anything wrapped from across the room and correctly guess what’s inside.

It’s annoying.

It’s gotten so bad that my Dad now ships all my Mom’s gifts to my house so they stay a surprise till Christmas.

And even then, she still guesses when she sees them.

So, that means we have to get creative with how we wrap everything.

Some folks even make wrapping gifts to look like something else completely a hobby…

How to prank a gift guesser

Here are a few ideas we’ve done in the past to prank a gift guesser. Some have worked better than others but they’re tried and true.

The Good Old Big Box: This is an oldie but a goodie. Take a gift and wrap it in a significantly bigger box than it is in.  Or, put it in a box, and then in another box, then another box, then another box.

The Box Switch-a-roo: Take the item out of the box it comes in and wrap it in another product’s box.  Call your friends and swap boxes with them.  Tee hee hee!

The Weighted Box: Cans of food work amazingly well for this. Put a can at every corner. Add lots of tissue paper or padding. Put a gift in the middle. A word of caution: do not try this with fragile gifts.

Add Unusual Sounds: Now this one was fun. Add jingle bells to the box. Get a small storage container and put something that will rattle in it. Rice works very well. Dry beans. Paper clips. My kids REALLY enjoyed this one.

Conveniently Forget the Gift in Another Room: Okay…so I’ll admit that this one was a happy accident.  One year, my mom was opening gifts and I kept thinking that something was missing. I looked through all her gifts (since I had wrapped everything she received from us and from my Dad) and knew something was missing. It wasn’t until she had one or two things left that I remembered and brought it up from our family room. Mwahaha!!

Hiding the Gift Within Another Gift: “Oh wow! Look at this! What a lovely pair of slippers. Why are they so heavy? What’s this inside? An earring box?! OH WOW!!” Hiding items within the folds of clothing is also very effective.

Funny gift wrapping ideas

Really looking to go all out and prank a gift guesser? Check out these hilarious gift wrap ideas from Crafty Panda.

I was cruising around Pinterest and found these other funny gift wrapping ideas that we may try out this year.  Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for more gift wrapping ideas, party tips, and all things gifts.

Happy pranking!





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