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Use Giftster to Plan Your Fundraiser

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My church recently was holding a baby shower for mothers in need and a thought occurred to me.  They could use Giftster to make sure they received all the donations they need for this important fundraiser.

Just like any other wish list, you can create a list on Giftster with the items you’re looking to collect for your fundraiser’s purpose.  In the case of my church, it was diapers, baby bottles, washcloths, baby clothes and more.

Next, you could let those who will be attending know that they can join your group on so they can view exactly what’s needed for the event.

People can then sign up for whatever item you need so you can make sure that you have exactly what you need to donate.  For this scenario, you would hate to have too many baby bottles and not enough diapers.

Create a wish list for your charity fundraiser now!

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